Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm Scared

Immediately after my swim on the Truss, I questioned how this event would affect my paddling, and especially my confidence, and what exactly it would take to get back to that level again.  Obviously, continuing the paddle that river without incident helped, but I spent the next couple days in a conscious shock.  I told everyone what happened to me, hoping for some kind of resolution.  Based on what I had heard from other boaters, I knew I was going to feel weird and scared, and I kind of sat there waiting for it to sink in.  

The next Tuesday, I paddled the Upper Wind.  The level was medium/low and it was only class IV, but it felt a lot bigger.  That was one of the scariest days of paddling I've ever had.  But the hardest thing to deal with was the conscious fear.  Normally kayaking is scary in retrospect, I never feel out of the zone.  But on the Wind, I was scared in every rapid.  I'm sure my reaction time and movement suffered.  My sphere of awareness shrunk, leaving my running rapids pretty poorly, and I flipped once.  During the flip, my helmet cam hit a rock and was knocked off (luckily I had a back up piece of p-cord), but it didn't help my confidence.  Combine that with the inability to untie the knot due to cold hands, and I was feeling pretty helpless.  In the class 3 I kind of settled down, following a former Olympic slalom boater, trying to gain his skills by choosing his lines.  It felt good after that, but the bigger part of the river left me feeling gripped.  I didn't have good memories to look back on.  I was happy to get back on the water so quickly after my swim, but I wasn't happy with how kayaking felt.   (It probably didn't help that I hadn't repaired the tear in my drysuit...).  
After a week or so, I went through the helmet cam footage from my swim.   To be continued...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bull Run: First Paddle Club Instruction Session

So Niko, Ben, and I decided to test out our paddle club instruction skills by taking Ben Hoffman (who will now be referred to as Hoffman to avoid confusion) down Bull Run, a Sandy tributary.

Bull Run is a class III run with a short little slalom course at the put in.  Its a beautiful river mostly made of conglomerate and weird ass boulders.  At the level we ran it at (low), it was pretty boney.  The weird rocks and low water made most of the run pretty technical class III boulder garden moves, which are not easy for a beginner.  Turns out this was Hoffman's first time on whitewater; most of his kayaking experience was in the ocean.  He had a pretty good roll, and his strokes were decent.  We later found out that his balance was very good and his instincts were aggressive.

Before we put on, Niko decided to give his drysuit to Hoffman, this was probably the best decision of the whole trip.  We put on and did some ferrying, which resulted in Hoffman flipping on an eddy line... He rolled up fine, but was pretty shocked at how cold the water was.  After his first couple eddy moves, we decided to progress down river.  Our 3 instructors to 1 student ratio worked out well as our time was inexperienced and hadn't developed much chemistry yet.  Our roles ended up being one of us, usually me, at the front, boat scouting and running stuff to see if it was possible.  Then Hoffman would follow one of us, usually Niko, down and usually Ben would run clean up.  We all had turns at each role, which we good for me, as I felt that I didn't get much trip leading experience at camp.

So, the river was technical, like, hard class III technical, not ideal for a first timer.  Combined with the shallow water, sharp rocks, and cold water, we had all the makings for a bad day for a beginner.  And, on paper, it probably would have looked like a bad trip.  3 swims, a couple scraped knuckles, some great upside-down rock interaction, a close call with an undercut...  But somehow, Hoffman managed to love every second of it.  It was super inspiring to see that look in someone else's eyes.  Besides the passion shining through his eyes, Hoffman definitely has the right stuff.

Through the multi-move, technical boulder garden rapids, Ben constantly surprised us by making past many hard moves, and saving it a couple times after being unable to make the right move.  Niko said that he would look back and be surprised to see Ben still upright.  This kid was a fighter.  Multiple roll attempts every time; many, many balance adjustments; frequent instinctive bracing; and active self-rescue.  You can't ask for much more in a beginner.

Instructing in such a focus way led me to a couple insights.  I found myself, like many instructors before me, yelling at my student to PADDLE PADDLE PADDLE!!!   Unfortunately, that never seems to help.  What is skill students lack that cause them to not paddle?  I think its pretty clear that most students would paddle if they felt able or didn't have something more pressing.  I'm starting to think that balance is the real problem.  Whenever instructors are yelling at their kids to paddle, the kids always look unstable, and from experience, I can say that when you are trying to not flip, it can be hard to paddle until you've trained yourself to balance BY paddling.  Beginners don't have this experience yet.  So I decided that I am not going to ever yell at someone to paddle again... if I do, it means that I suck as an instructor.  Other skills need to be worked on first, probably on flat water such as bracing, balance, and strokes.  And on the river, students need better water reading skills so that they can keep their balance and will be able to place strokes in the water.

Speaking of strokes, I really need to get that last eddy turn stroke, I feel myself doing the down stream boof-y stroke to get into the eddy, but I find myself not stopping my moment enough with my next stroke, or not getting enough turn, or something.  It might be that my boat is too big, but I think by observing Niko and working on a drawing Duffek, I will be able to get the rotation and momentum stopping that I need to catch micro-eddies like a class V paddler needs to.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another Canyon Creek Run

I ran Canyon Creek at pretty low flow.  It was kind of scrape-y, and my lack of skill in water reading led to many rock interactions.  I think my boating style is defined by scraping on every rock I can in low water situations.  But it wasn't a total fail, I had a pretty good line a Kahuna, though I was caught leaning back again.  That rapid gets easier every time as I am again reminded how important landmarks are to having a good line.  The boil line sends you right down the flake at perfect angle every time, without that marker, your pretty much going off blind, which doesn't usually end well.

Boaters with a slalom background fascinate me.  There skills are so solid, their strokes so efficient, and their lines so un-rocky.  They almost always manage to find the deep water and carry ridiculous speed.  Their posture is perfect, and they never look like they are working that hard.  I think boating with guys like that is going to make me a lot better as many of their strengths are areas where I don't feel quite as strong.

I was able to do a little more river reading and decision making on this run as Toby's was pretty low water, and most of the guys wanted to fire up the right line or some weird middle right line that wasn't very good. I ended up running the sneak which was pretty scrape-y at this level, and I ended up not having enough right angle and slightly pitoned a rock, not fun, but I feel like I am learning a lot about scouting by no following so much.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Media Pursuits: First Overlay

Fooling around with photo editing software... I have about 3 runs to write up.  I think my blog is taking a turn for the serious.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

East Fork Lewis

Though I was happy to gain so much experience in so many areas from my swim on the Truss, I was looking to do some slightly easier paddling.  I think I found exactly where my skill level is right now, and I am going to try to solidify my skills before stepping it up again.  Had a quick run of the Upper Wind during the week which is fun, but a little scary because I hadn't patched my drysuit.   Luckily, I didn't swim, and only flipped once.  

I'm pissed, I wrote all this shit about EFL, but internet died as I tried to publish... lost all my words.  I'll finish this later, anyway, watch my video!

Fun day, low flow, good waterfall practice. Music: Ms. Fat Booty by Mos Def